Health Center
Health is paramount
Let doctors, phyisiotherapists and other medical staff work with your athletes. You can choose from four innovative modules.
Your benefit: Fast, uncomplicated and personalized recording of physical and mental state and problems. Consolidation of basic medical data for a comprehensive overview.

Health Center
Daily Values
- At intervals set by you, athletes can report on their physical and mental well-being
- The survey covers sleep duration and quality, injuries, illnesses, pain, mood, and motivation
- The data is presented to both the coach and athlete in a visually appealing and comprehensible format

Health Center
Medical Dossier
- Effortlessly and efficiently document medical information
- Exchange messages with other doctors or trainers
- Conduct concussion symptom assessments using the SCAT5 protocol
- Access information about important medical facilities

Health Center
Athlete Screening
- Track the physical condition and injuries of the athletes
- Develop your own screening assessments
- Build fully customizable screening batteries from these tests
- Ideal for physiotherapists

Health Center
- Female athletes have the ability to record their menstrual cycle
- They indicate if it has influenced their training
- This enables coaches to optimize the training regimen more effectively